Friday, February 11, 2011

A Love Story - Pass It On!

Yesterday I received the most amazing "Thank You" from a client, let's call her Sue.

For 10+ years, Sue was professionally and financially successful at the same company. However, she was emotionally drained from an extremely childish and negative work environment.  For a long time, I heard her horrible stories of the disrespectful actions of co-workers and supervisors. A few months ago, she started with a membership program to regularly "reboot" and cope with what seemed like an unavoidable aspect of her life.

When Sue came in for January's treatment, I was working with one of the Balance practitioners on office "stuff". Sue told me that she was in awe of the positive relationship and interaction between myself and the practitioner as we troubleshooted whatever it was we were working on. I honestly don't remember any of this.  :-)

In my previous life at a 9-5 job, I was lucky enough to have 2 positive and supportive mentors. From day one, my first mentor patiently trained and coached me through the day to day tasks.  Her patience and coaching continued for years even after she moved up into other positions in the company. My second mentor came later as my direct supervisor.  She regularly challenged me and provided me with tools I still use today to maintain positive work relationships. Anyone can be hired as a manager but few managers have great managerial skills. To these mentors, I am grateful.

Back to Sue....After the January treatment, she was optimistic that she could also a good work environment and that it was time for a change.  Last night, Sue was telling me about her new job with supportive co-workers, a tranquil environment and even more clients than before.

Quitting your job might not be an option but as I learned last night, your actions influence others around you - sometimes more than you think or intend!  Treat others - especially co-workers - with patience, love and respect. Hopefully it will be passed on.

Stay warm!