Monday, January 3, 2011

Stretches for Desk Work

Try these stretches to reduce tension and discomfort at work.  Stretch only to a comfortable level, not to pain. If you feel any of these movements are difficult because of tension, let your massage therapist know you would like work on releasing that area at your next session.  If you have intense pain with any of these stretches, discontinue them and let your practitioner know.

1.  For neck tension, drop your chin to your chest as you exhale. Inhale and very slowly let your right ear drop to your right shoulder.  Exhale and roll your chin to your chest.  Inhale and roll your left ear to your left shoulder.  Exhale and return to your chest.  Continue these movements, slowly and easily, for several minutes.  Note:  Many yoga and other exercise instructors advise people to avoid rolling the head back so that the chin is up as this can compress the cervical spine.

2.  To stretch your whole spine, raise your arms over your head. Stretch your right arm toward the ceiling, hold and relax.  Then repeat with your left arm.  Breathe slowly, exhaling completely as you stretch.  Repeat several times. (Do not do this stretch if you have uncontrolled high blood pressure.)

3.  For joint mobility, stretch one leg in front of you and roll your ankle in circles, both directions.  Repeat on the other side. Then, with your arms at your sides, roll your wrists in circles, both directions.
4.  Shake your arms and hands vigorously, as if you had a piece of tape stuck to your fingers and you are trying  to get it off. Shake for 30 seconds and feel the energy move through your limbs.

5.  For upper body tension, clasp your hands behind your head with your elbows extended to the sides.  Exhale and very slowly twist your head and torso to the right.  Hold for a moment, inhale and turn back to the center.  Then exhale, turn to the left, and return to center.  Repeat 5 times each direction, up to 3 times a day.

6.  To ease back tension, push your chair away from the desk. Stretch both arms forward and rest your hands on the desk. Exhale and lower your head while arching your back.  Relax for a moment with your head down.  Then inhale and raise your head and chest, arching your back in the other direction. Stretch several times this way, breathing slowly and completely.

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